Vineyards and discoveries label in the region Molsheim-Mutzig

What is the Vineyards and discoveries  label? (Vignobles & Découvertes)

Created in 2009, the Vineyards and discoveries label is awarded for a period of 3 years by Atout France, after recommendation by the Conseil Supérieur de l’Oenotourisme, to a wine tourism destination offering a range of complementary tourist products (accommodation, restaurants, cellar visits and tastings, museums, events, etc.) and enabling customers to organise their stay more easily and to be guided towards qualified services.

The Vineyards and discoveries label corresponds to a collective mark, the Vignobles & Découvertes mark, the management and awarding procedure of which are governed by a set of regulations.

Vineyards and discoveries label in the region molsheim-mutzig
Catégorie Vignoble & Découvertes
Catégorie label vignobles & découvertes
31 results
Pointeur Molsheim

Vineyard Marathon

Pointeur Molsheim

Restaurant La Table du Diana

Pointeur Molsheim

Tapas bar La Bodega

Pointeur Molsheim

Restaurant Le bistrot du Barbu

Pointeur Molsheim

Grape festival - Wine tasting

Pointeur Mutzig

Apartment De Cep et de Grès - Sophie Grieshaber3 étoiles 3epis

Pointeur Mutzig

Trace verte, event agency

Pointeur Mutzig

Apartment Meublé de tourisme Gîte en Alsace - Gilbert et Dominique Guyot1etoile

Pointeur Oberhaslach

Hôtel-Restaurant Hostellerie Saint Florent2 étoiles

Pointeur Oberhaslach

Restaurant Hostellerie Saint Florent

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