Step n°1 : Former reception centre

Private property. No visits.

Step n°1 : Former reception centre

The Boss, as everyone called him at the factory, is passionate about horses and gave the name of Thoroughbred to the hostelry and also to his cars. The name “Pur Sang” was registered at the beginning of the 20th century.

It is here, at the “Pur Sang”, that guests will occasionally find room and board.

But it was here, around the bar, that drivers and people involved in the races celebrated the many victories in the presence of Ettore and his son Jean. The bar, which was rebuilt by the Enthousiastes Bugatti Alsace in 1995, is still in the same place as it was on the ground floor of the building.

Step n°1 : Former reception centre
©Photo Lorentz

The house was run by Fernand, the handyman, who lived in the outbuilding next to the hostelry.

On the site of the present-day Hotel Bugatti, there was a mirabelle orchard and a small building housing Ettore Bugatti’s private distillery.


This small mansion with a turret, known as the Villa Gertrude from the early 20th century, was acquired by Ettore Bugatti after the First World War. Here he received his distinguished guests and celebrated victories after competitions.

The Hostellerie is now the seat of associations (Enthousiastes Bugatti Alsace, Fondation Bugatti, Légion d’Honneur).

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